How to Help Your Child Overcome Dental Anxiety

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How to Help Your Child Overcome Dental Anxiety

Children frequently experience anxiety or tension when visiting a pediatric dentist. Since many adults experience similar emotions, you can imagine how overwhelming it may be for children. To help kids manage their feelings and make every pediatric dental appointment a positive experience for them, here are some dental anxiety questions and answers.

What is Dental Anxiety?

Dental phobia is a fear of going to the dentist that can strike both adults and children. Dentophobia is the medical word used to describe this disorder. Dental anxiety is a phobia’s extension that might result from this phobia.

When someone has dental anxiety, they could feel uneasy, worried, or terrified. A patient may also exhibit other defensive behaviors, such as being argumentative, disruptive, and uncooperative.

How Prevalent is Pediatric Dental Anxiety?

Despite the fact that many individuals dislike going to the dentist, they don’t always feel fear, panic, or anxiety about it. Some kids find the thought of having dental surgery very terrifying. Before going to the dentist, they might really experience panic attacks. If these uncomfortable feelings are not controlled, they could eventually turn into a phobia (dentophobia or odontophobia).

Researchers found a link between dental dread and unpleasant prior dental visits, according to a clinical investigation on dental anxiety in children. Additionally, children may imitate their parents’ or siblings’ attitudes toward the dentist by developing dental fear and anxiety. In conclusion, a negative dental experience can negatively and permanently impact you and your children.

How to Help Your Child to Deal with Dental Anxiety

Being upfront and honest with kids about dental anxiety management is generally a good approach. Because it’s human nature to be afraid of the unknown, a child who knows what’s going on and why is more likely to get through the process without any major issues or stress. Here are some strategies for avoiding dental anxiety.

  • Begin dental visits early:

As soon as possible, parents should begin bringing their children to the dentist. It’s best if your child starts visiting the dentist in Bridgeland as soon as possible. Childhood dental anxiety is frequently avoided in children who visit the dentist frequently, starting around the time they obtain their first teeth.

  • Choose a dentist they prefer:

Choose a pediatric dentist near you who makes your child feel at peace and at ease. Your child is more likely to have a negative dental experience and develop dentophobia if they don’t enjoy going to the dentist.

  • Make your kiddo comfortable:

Parents ought to urge their kids to inquire about what to expect. Don’t be afraid to respond when your children ask you questions about going to the dentist or what to expect. They may approach the dentist differently as adults if they believe you are being dishonest or withholding information. Slowing down and explaining the operation in detail before it begins can help a patient who is worried.

Always be truthful while responding to inquiries. Don’t go into depth about all the more serious and potentially frightening processes like getting fillings. Your child might get worried about seeing a pediatric dentist near you if you do this.

Reassure your children that it will be over quickly and that the dentist is there to help as you try to respond honestly and clearly. Reiterate that everyone, even their friends, visits the dentist. It makes the incident more understandable.

Find the Right Pediatric Dentist 

Share any history that can help your child’s dentist provide the best care possible. Before any treatment is carried out, let your new dental team know if they have previously had a traumatic or distressing experience with a dentist. They might try a different strategy or apply a different kind of anesthesia to help calm your child’s nervousness or a child who is terrified of the dentist. 

In general, pick a family dentist who gives your child confidence and comfort. To make an appointment, get in touch with our Crescent Heights Dental Clinic right away.

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